Chacón C; Mounieres C; Ampuero S; Urzúa U, 2023. Transcriptomic Analysis of the Aged Nulliparous Mouse Ovary Suggests a Stress State That Promotes Pro-Inflammatory Lipid Signaling and Epithelial Cell Enrichment.  Int J Mol Sci 25.

Levican J; Ampuero M; Rabello C; Venegas I; Quarleri J; Gaggero A, 2023. Changing molecular epidemiology of Hepatitis A virus in Santiago, Chile from 2010 to 2021.  Infect Genet Evol 111:105428

Calaf GM; Roy D; Jara L; Aguayo F; Crispin LA, 2023. Gene Signature Associated with Nervous System in an Experimental Radiation- and Estrogen-Induced Breast Cancer Model.  Biomedicines 11.

Acevedo J; Acevedo ML; Gaete-Argel A; Araos R; Gonzalez C; Espinoza D; Rivas S; Pizarro P; Jarpa S; Soto-Rifo R; Jara A; Valiente-Echeverría F, 2023. Neutralizing antibodies induced by homologous and heterologous boosters in CoronaVac vaccines in Chile.  Clin Microbiol Infect 29(4):541.e1-541.e7

Plaza-Garrido A; Ampuero M; Gaggero A; Villamar-Ayala CA, 2023. Norovirus, Hepatitis A and SARS-CoV-2 surveillance within Chilean rural wastewater treatment plants based on different biological treatment typologies.  Sci Total Environ 863:160685

Acevedo ML; Gaete-Argel A; Alonso-Palomares L; de Oca MM; Bustamante A; Gaggero A; Paredes F; Cortes CP; Pantano S; Martínez-Valdebenito C; Angulo J; Le Corre N; Ferrés M; Navarrete MA; Valiente-Echeverría F; Soto-Rifo R, 2023. Author Correction: Differential neutralizing antibody responses elicited by CoronaVac and BNT162b2 against SARS-CoV-2 Lambda in Chile.  Nat Microbiol 8(2):360

Castillo-Rozas G; Lopez MN; Soto-Rifo R; Vidal R; Cortes CP, 2023. Enteropathy and gut dysbiosis as obstacles to achieve immune recovery in undetectable people with HIV: a clinical view of evidence, successes, and projections.  AIDS 37(3):367-378

Sauré D; O'Ryan M; Torres JP; Zuñiga M; Soto-Rifo R; Valiente-Echeverría F; Gaete-Argel A; Neira I; Saavedra V; Acevedo ML; Archila C; Acuña F; Rain M; Basso LJ, 2023. COVID-19 lateral flow IgG seropositivity and serum neutralising antibody responses after primary and booster vaccinations in Chile: a cross-sectional study.  Lancet Microbe 4(3):e149-e158

Niechi I; Erices JI; Carrillo-Beltrán D; Uribe-Ojeda A; Torres Á; Rocha JD; Uribe D; Toro MA; Villalobos-Nova K; Gaete-Ramírez B; Mingo G; Owen GI; Varas-Godoy M; Jara L; Aguayo F; Burzio VA; Quezada-Monrás C; Tapia JC, 2023. Cancer Stem Cell and Aggressiveness Traits Are Promoted by Stable Endothelin-Converting Enzyme-1c in Glioblastoma Cells.  Cells 12.

Gaete-Argel A; Saavedra-Alarcón V; Sauré D; Alonso-Palomares L; Acevedo ML; Alarcón M; Bueno SM; Kalergis AM; Soto-Rifo R; Valiente-Echeverría F; Cortes CP, 2023. Impact of homologous and heterologous boosters in neutralizing antibodies titers against SARS-CoV-2 Omicron in solid-organ transplant recipients.  Front Immunol 14:1135478

Méndez C; Peñaloza HF; Schultz BM; Piña-Iturbe A; Ríos M; Moreno-Tapia D; Pereira-Sánchez P; Leighton D; Orellana C; Covarrubias C; Gálvez NMS; Soto JA; Duarte LF; Rivera-Pérez D; Vázquez Y; Cabrera A; Bustos S; Iturriaga C; Urzua M; Navarrete MS; Rojas Á; Fasce RA; Fernández J; Mora J; Ramírez E; Gaete-Argel A; Acevedo M; Valiente-Echeverría F; Soto-Rifo R; Weiskopf D; Grifoni A; Sette A; Zeng G; Meng W; González-Aramundiz JV; González PA; Abarca K; Melo-González F; Bueno SM; Kalergis AM, 2023. Humoral and cellular response induced by a second booster of an inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine in adults.  EBioMedicine 91:104563

Carrillo-Beltrán D; Osorio JC; Blanco R; Oliva C; Boccardo E; Aguayo F, 2023. Interaction between Cigarette Smoke and Human Papillomavirus 16 E6/E7 Oncoproteins to Induce SOD2 Expression and DNA Damage in Head and Neck Cancer.  Int J Mol Sci 24.

Zamora G; Aguilar Pierlé S; Loncopan J; Araos L; Verdugo F; Rojas-Fuentes C; Krüger L; Gaggero A; Barriga GP, 2023. Scavengers as Prospective Sentinels of Viral Diversity: the Snowy Sheathbill Virome as a Potential Tool for Monitoring Virus Circulation, Lessons from Two Antarctic Expeditions.  Microbiol Spectr 11(3):e0330222

Aguayo F; Perez-Dominguez F; Osorio JC; Oliva C; Calaf GM, 2023. PI3K/AKT/mTOR Signaling Pathway in HPV-Driven Head and Neck Carcinogenesis: Therapeutic Implications.  Biology (Basel) 12.

Abreu C; Ortega C; Olivero-Deibe N; Carrión F; Gaete-Argel A; Valiente-Echeverría F; Soto-Rifo R; Milan Bonotto R; Marcello A; Pantano S, 2023. Customizably designed multibodies neutralize SARS-CoV-2 in a variant-insensitive manner.  Front Immunol 14:1226880

Le Corre N; Abarca K; Astudillo P; Potin M; López S; Goldsack M; Valenzuela V; Schilling A; Gaete V; Rubio L; Calvo M; Twele L; González M; Fuentes D; Gutiérrez V; Reyes F; Tapia LI; Villena R; Retamal-Díaz A; Cárdenas A; Alarcón-Bustamante E; Meng X; Xin Q; González-Aramundiz JV; Álvarez-Figueroa MJ; González PA; Bueno SM; Soto JA; On Behalf Of The PedCoronaVac Cl Study Group; Perret C; Kalergis AM, 2023. Different Safety Pattern of an Inactivated SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine (CoronaVac(®)) According to Age Group in a Pediatric Population from 3 to 17 Years Old, in an Open-Label Study in Chile.  Vaccines (Basel) 11.

Samudio A; Sotelo PH; González-Maldonado P; Alfonso L; Valiente-Echeverría F; Soto-Rifo R; Langjahr P, 2023. Neutralizing antibodies from naturally infected individuals against SARS-CoV-2 Gamma and Delta variants in the Paraguayan population.  J Infect Dev Ctries 17(10):1407-1412

Soto-Rifo R, 2023. Durability of AZD1222 and hybrid humoral immunity against omicron BA.1 and BA.4.  Lancet Infect Dis 23(3):262-263

Olave FA; Aguayo FI; Román-Albasini L; Corrales WA; Silva JP; González PI; Lagos S; García MA; Alarcón-Mardones M; Rojas PS; Xu X; Cidlowski JA; Aliaga E; Fiedler J, 2022. Chronic restraint stress produces sex-specific behavioral and molecular outcomes in the dorsal and ventral rat hippocampus.  Neurobiol Stress 17:100440

Acevedo ML; Gaete-Argel A; Alonso-Palomares L; de Oca MM; Bustamante A; Gaggero A; Paredes F; Cortes CP; Pantano S; Martínez-Valdebenito C; Angulo J; Le Corre N; Ferrés M; Navarrete MA; Valiente-Echeverría F; Soto-Rifo R, 2022. Author Correction: Differential neutralizing antibody responses elicited by CoronaVac and BNT162b2 against SARS-CoV-2 Lambda in Chile.  Nat Microbiol 7(6):929

Calaf GM; Crispin LA; Muñoz JP; Aguayo F; Bleak TC, 2022. Muscarinic Receptors Associated with Cancer.  Cancers (Basel) 14.

Acevedo ML; Gaete-Argel A; Alonso-Palomares L; de Oca MM; Bustamante A; Gaggero A; Paredes F; Cortes CP; Pantano S; Martínez-Valdebenito C; Angulo J; Le Corre N; Ferrés M; Navarrete MA; Valiente-Echeverría F; Soto-Rifo R, 2022. Differential neutralizing antibody responses elicited by CoronaVac and BNT162b2 against SARS-CoV-2 Lambda in Chile.  Nat Microbiol 7(4):524-529

González-Maldonado P; Alvarenga N; Burgos-Edwards A; Flores-Giubi ME; Barúa JE; Romero-Rodríguez MC; Soto-Rifo R; Valiente-Echeverría F; Langjahr P; Cantero-González G; Sotelo PH, 2022. Screening of Natural Products Inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 Entry.  Molecules 27.

Bueno SM; Abarca K; González PA; Gálvez NMS; Soto JA; Duarte LF; Schultz BM; Pacheco GA; González LA; Vázquez Y; Ríos M; Melo-González F; Rivera-Pérez D; Iturriaga C; Urzúa M; Domínguez A; Andrade CA; Berríos-Rojas RV; Canedo-Marroquín G; Covián C; Moreno-Tapia D; Saavedra F; Vallejos OP; Donato P; Espinoza P; Fuentes D; González M; Guzmán P; Muñoz Venturelli P; Pérez CM; Potin M; Rojas Á; Fasce RA; Fernández J; Mora J; Ramírez E; Gaete-Argel A; Oyarzún-Arrau A; Valiente-Echeverría F; Soto-Rifo R; Weiskopf D; Sette A; Zeng G; Meng W; González-Aramundiz JV; Kalergis AM, 2022. Safety and Immunogenicity of an Inactivated Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Vaccine in a Subgroup of Healthy Adults in Chile.  Clin Infect Dis 75(1):e792-e804

Aguilar Pierlé S; Zamora G; Ossa G; Gaggero A; Barriga GP, 2022. The Myotis chiloensis Guano Virome: Viral Nucleic Acid Enrichments for High-Resolution Virome Elucidation and Full Alphacoronavirus Genome Assembly.  Viruses 14.

Osorio JC; Blanco R; Corvalán AH; Muñoz JP; Calaf GM; Aguayo F, 2022. Epstein-Barr Virus Infection in Lung Cancer: Insights and Perspectives.  Pathogens 11.

Fuentes-Villalobos F; Garrido JL; Medina MA; Zambrano N; Ross N; Bravo F; Gaete-Argel A; Oyarzún-Arrau A; Amanat F; Soto-Rifo R; Valiente-Echeverría F; Ocampo R; Esveile C; Ferreira L; Cabrera J; Torres V; Rioseco ML; Riquelme R; Barría S; Alvarez R; Pinos Y; Krammer F; Calvo M; Barria MI, 2022. Sustained Antibody-Dependent NK Cell Functions in Mild COVID-19 Outpatients During Convalescence.  Front Immunol 13:796481

Pereira-Montecinos C; Toro-Ascuy D; Ananías-Sáez C; Gaete-Argel A; Rojas-Fuentes C; Riquelme-Barrios S; Rojas-Araya B; García-de-Gracia F; Aguilera-Cortés P; Chnaiderman J; Acevedo ML; Valiente-Echeverría F; Soto-Rifo R, 2022. Epitranscriptomic regulation of HIV-1 full-length RNA packaging.  Nucleic Acids Res 50(4):2302-2318

Wolff MJ; Acevedo ML; Núñez MA; Lafourcade M; Gaete-Argel A; Soto-Rifo R; Valiente-Echeverría F, 2022. Neutralizing antibody titers elicited by CoronaVac and BNT162b2 vaccines in health care workers with and without prior SARS-CoV-2 infection.  J Travel Med 29.

Calderon G; Castaneda CA; Castillo M; Sanchez J; Bernabe L; Suarez N; Tello K; Torres E; Cotrina JM; Dunstan J; De-La-Cruz M; Abugattas J; Guerra H; Manrique JE; Aguayo F; Gomez HL, 2022. Human Papillomavirus, Cytomegalovirus Infection and P16 Staining in Breast Tumors from Peruvian Women.  Asian Pac J Cancer Prev 23(5):1571-1576

Blanco R; Carrillo-Beltrán D; Muñoz JP; Osorio JC; Tapia JC; Burzio VA; Gallegos I; Calaf GM; Chabay P; Aguayo F, 2022. Characterization of High-Risk HPV/EBV Co-Presence in Pre-Malignant Cervical Lesions and Squamous Cell Carcinomas.  Microorganisms 10.

Vargas L; Valdivieso N; Tempio F; Simon V; Sauma D; Valenzuela L; Beltrán C; Castillo-Delgado L; Contreras-Benavides X; Acevedo ML; Acevedo J; Gonzalez RI; Valiente-Echeverría F; Soto-Rifo R; Rosemblatt M; Lopez M; Osorio F; Bono MR, 2022. Serological study of CoronaVac vaccine and booster doses in Chile: immunogenicity and persistence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 spike antibodies.  BMC Med 20(1):216

Bunster J; Martínez MJ; Mauri-Stecca MV; Leppe J; Nelson EO; Heiderscheit B; Besomi M, 2022. Cross-cultural adaptation and evaluation of the psychometric properties of the University of Wisconsin Running Injury and Recovery Index questionnaire in Spanish (UWRI-S).  Phys Ther Sport 55:289-295

Gálvez NMS; Pacheco GA; Schultz BM; Melo-González F; Soto JA; Duarte LF; González LA; Rivera-Pérez D; Ríos M; Berrios RV; Vázquez Y; Moreno-Tapia D; Vallejos OP; Andrade CA; Hoppe-Elsholz G; Iturriaga C; Urzua M; Navarrete MS; Rojas Á; Fasce R; Fernández J; Mora J; Ramírez E; Gaete-Argel A; Acevedo ML; Valiente-Echeverría F; Soto-Rifo R; Weiskopf D; Grifoni A; Sette A; Zeng G; Meng W; González-Aramundiz JV; Johnson M; Goldblatt D; González PA; Abarca K; Bueno SM; Kalergis AM, 2022. Differences in the immune response elicited by two immunization schedules with an inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine in a randomized phase 3 clinical trial.  Elife 11.

Osorio JC; Candia-Escobar F; Corvalán AH; Calaf GM; Aguayo F, 2022. High-Risk Human Papillomavirus Infection in Lung Cancer: Mechanisms and Perspectives.  Biology (Basel) 11.

Morales-Pison S; Gonzalez-Hormazabal P; Tapia JC; Salas-Burgos A; Ampuero S; Gómez F; Waugh E; Reyes JM; Jara L, 2022. Heritable genomic diversity in breast cancer driver genes and associations with risk in a Chilean population.  Biol Res 55(1):20

Calaf GM; Crispin LA; Muñoz JP; Aguayo F; Roy D; Narayan G, 2022. Ionizing Radiation and Estrogen Affecting Growth Factor Genes in an Experimental Breast Cancer Model.  Int J Mol Sci 23.

Soto JA; Melo-González F; Gutierrez-Vera C; Schultz BM; Berríos-Rojas RV; Rivera-Pérez D; Piña-Iturbe A; Hoppe-Elsholz G; Duarte LF; Vázquez Y; Moreno-Tapia D; Ríos M; Palacios PA; Garcia-Betancourt R; Santibañez Á; Pacheco GA; Mendez C; Andrade CA; Silva PH; Diethelm-Varela B; Astudillo P; Calvo M; Cárdenas A; González M; Goldsack M; Gutiérrez V; Potin M; Schilling A; Tapia LI; Twele L; Villena R; Grifoni A; Sette A; Weiskopf D; Fasce RA; Fernández J; Mora J; Ramírez E; Gaete-Argel A; Acevedo ML; Valiente-Echeverría F; Soto-Rifo R; Retamal-Díaz A; Muñoz-Jofré N; Meng X; Xin Q; Alarcón-Bustamante E; González-Aramundiz JV; Le Corre N; Álvarez-Figueroa MJ; González PA; Abarca K; Perret C; Carreño LJ; Bueno SM; Kalergis AM, 2022. Inactivated Vaccine-Induced SARS-CoV-2 Variant-Specific Immunity in Children.  mBio 13(6):e0131122

Calaf GM; Crispin LA; Muñoz JP; Aguayo F; Narayan G; Roy D, 2022. Cell Adhesion Molecules Affected by Ionizing Radiation and Estrogen in an Experimental Breast Cancer Model.  Int J Mol Sci 23.

Aguayo F, 2022. [Male depression and its symptoms: A qualitative study with Chilean adult men].  Salud Colect 18:e3942

Soto AA; Ortiz G; Contreras S; Soto-Rifo R; González PA, 2022. Role of Epitranscriptomic and Epigenetic Modifications during the Lytic and Latent Phases of Herpesvirus Infections.  Microorganisms 10.

Ampuero S; Bahamonde G; Tempio F; Garmendia ML; Ruiz M; Pizarro R; Rossi P; Huenchur L; Lizama L; López M; Avendaño LF; Luchsinger V, 2022. IL-7/IL7R axis dysfunction in adults with severe community-acquired pneumonia (CAP): a cross-sectional study.  Sci Rep 12(1):13145

Oliva C; Carrillo-Beltrán D; Boettiger P; Gallegos I; Aguayo F, 2022. Human Papillomavirus Detected in Oropharyngeal Cancers from Chilean Subjects.  Viruses 14.

Arias-Calvachi C; Blanco R; Calaf GM; Aguayo F, 2022. Epstein-Barr Virus Association with Breast Cancer: Evidence and Perspectives.  Biology (Basel) 11.

Schultz BM; Melo-González F; Duarte LF; Gálvez NMS; Pacheco GA; Soto JA; Berríos-Rojas RV; González LA; Moreno-Tapia D; Rivera-Pérez D; Ríos M; Vázquez Y; Hoppe-Elsholz G; Andrade-Parra CA; Vallejos OP; Piña-Iturbe A; Iturriaga C; Urzua M; Navarrete MS; Rojas Á; Fasce R; Fernández J; Mora J; Ramírez E; Gaete-Argel A; Acevedo ML; Valiente-Echeverría F; Soto-Rifo R; Weiskopf D; Grifoni A; Sette A; Zeng G; Meng W; González-Aramundiz JV; González PA; Abarca K; Kalergis AM; Bueno SM, 2022. A Booster Dose of CoronaVac Increases Neutralizing Antibodies and T Cells that Recognize Delta and Omicron Variants of Concern.  mBio 13(4):e0142322

Beltrán-Pavez C; Riquelme-Barrios S; Oyarzún-Arrau A; Gaete-Argel A; González-Stegmaier R; Cereceda-Solis K; Aguirre A; Travisany D; Palma-Vejares R; Barriga GP; Gaggero A; Martínez-Valdebenito C; Corre NL; Ferrés M; Balcells ME; Fernandez J; Ramírez E; Villarroel F; Valiente-Echeverría F; Soto-Rifo R, 2021. Insights into neutralizing antibody responses in individuals exposed to SARS-CoV-2 in Chile.  Sci Adv 7.

Tejos-Bravo M; Oakley RH; Whirledge SD; Corrales WA; Silva JP; García-Rojo G; Toledo J; Sanchez W; Román-Albasini L; Aliaga E; Aguayo F; Olave F; Maracaja-Coutinho V; Cidlowski JA; Fiedler JL, 2021. Deletion of hippocampal Glucocorticoid receptors unveils sex-biased microRNA expression and neuronal morphology alterations in mice.  Neurobiol Stress 14:100306

Balcells ME; Rojas L; Le Corre N; Martínez-Valdebenito C; Ceballos ME; Ferrés M; Chang M; Vizcaya C; Mondaca S; Huete Á; Castro R; Sarmiento M; Villarroel L; Pizarro A; Ross P; Santander J; Lara B; Ferrada M; Vargas-Salas S; Beltrán-Pavez C; Soto-Rifo R; Valiente-Echeverría F; Caglevic C; Mahave M; Selman C; Gazitúa R; Briones JL; Villarroel-Espindola F; Balmaceda C; Espinoza MA; Pereira J; Nervi B, 2021. Early versus deferred anti-SARS-CoV-2 convalescent plasma in patients admitted for COVID-19: A randomized phase II clinical trial.  PLoS Med 18(3):e1003415

González-Stegmaier R; Cereceda K; Briones JL; Beltran-Pávez C; Oyarzún-Arrau A; Riquelme-Barrios S; Selman C; Yarad F; Mahave M; Caglevic C; Morales R; Aguirre A; Valiente-Echeverría F; Soto-Rifo R; Marsiglia H; Gazitua R; Villarroel-Espindola F, 2021. Seroconversion and Abundance of IgG Antibodies against S1-RBD of SARS-CoV-2 and Neutralizing Activity in the Chilean Population.  J Immunol Res 2021:6680337

Vogel TP; Top KA; Karatzios C; Hilmers DC; Tapia LI; Moceri P; Giovannini-Chami L; Wood N; Chandler RE; Klein NP; Schlaudecker EP; Poli MC; Muscal E; Munoz FM, 2021. Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children and adults (MIS-C/A): Case definition & guidelines for data collection, analysis, and presentation of immunization safety data.  Vaccine 39(22):3037-3049

Ariyama N; Tapia R; Godoy C; Agüero B; Valdés V; Berrios F; García Borboroglu P; Pütz K; Alegria R; Barriga GP; Medina R; Neira V, 2021. Avian orthoavulavirus 1 (Newcastle Disease virus) antibodies in five penguin species, Antarctic peninsula and Southern Patagonia.  Transbound Emerg Dis 68(6):3096-3102

Toro-Ascuy D; Gaete-Argel A; Rojas-Celis V; Valiente-Echeverria F, 2021. In Situ Hybridization-Proximity Ligation Assay (ISH-PLA) to Study the Interaction of HIV-1 RNA and Remodeling Proteins.  Methods Mol Biol 2209:307-319

Peña M; Ampuero M; Garcés C; Gaggero A; García P; Velasquez MS; Luza R; Alvarez P; Paredes F; Acevedo J; Farfán MJ; Solari S; Soto-Rifo R; Valiente-Echeverría F, 2021. Performance of SARS-CoV-2 rapid antigen test compared with real-time RT-PCR in asymptomatic individuals.  Int J Infect Dis 107:201-204

Torres K; Landeros N; Wichmann IA; Polakovicova I; Aguayo F; Corvalan AH, 2021. EBV miR-BARTs and human lncRNAs: Shifting the balance in competing endogenous RNA networks in EBV-associated gastric cancer.  Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis 1867(4):166049

García-de-Gracia F; Gaete-Argel A; Riquelme-Barrios S; Pereira-Montecinos C; Rojas-Araya B; Aguilera P; Oyarzún-Arrau A; Rojas-Fuentes C; Acevedo ML; Chnaiderman J; Valiente-Echeverría F; Toro-Ascuy D; Soto-Rifo R, 2021. CBP80/20-dependent translation initiation factor (CTIF) inhibits HIV-1 Gag synthesis by targeting the function of the viral protein Rev.  RNA Biol 18(5):745-758

Beltrán-Pavez C; Alonso-Palomares LA; Valiente-Echeverría F; Gaggero A; Soto-Rifo R; Barriga GP, 2021. Accuracy of a RT-qPCR SARS-CoV-2 detection assay without prior RNA extraction.  J Virol Methods 287:113969

Tomicic A; Martínez C; Rosenbaum C; Aguayo F; Leyton F; Rodríguez J; Galvez C; Lagazzi I, 2021. Adolescence and Suicide: Subjective Construction of the Suicidal Process in Young Gay and Lesbian Chileans.  J Homosex 68(13):2122-2143

Gabaglio S; Alvarenga N; Cantero-González G; Degen R; Ferro EA; Langjahr P; Chnaiderman J; Sotelo PH, 2021. A quantitative PCR assay for antiviral activity screening of medicinal plants against Herpes simplex 1.  Nat Prod Res 35(17):2926-2930

Gaete-Argel A; Velásquez F; Márquez CL; Rojas-Araya B; Bueno-Nieto C; Marín-Rojas J; Cuevas-Zúñiga M; Soto-Rifo R; Valiente-Echeverría F, 2021. Tellurite Promotes Stress Granules and Nuclear SG-Like Assembly in Response to Oxidative Stress and DNA Damage.  Front Cell Dev Biol 9:622057

Perez-Dominguez F; Carrillo-Beltrán D; Blanco R; Muñoz JP; León-Cruz G; Corvalan AH; Urzúa U; Calaf GM; Aguayo F, 2021. Role of Pirin, an Oxidative Stress Sensor Protein, in Epithelial Carcinogenesis.  Biology (Basel) 10.

Pietrantoni G; Gaete-Argel A; Herrera-Rojo D; Ibarra-Karmy R; Bustos FJ; Valiente-Echeverría F; Arriagada G, 2021. Dynein Light-Chain Dynlrb2 Is Essential for Murine Leukemia Virus Traffic and Nuclear Entry.  J Virol 95(15):e0017021

Muñoz P; Garmendia ML; Ruiz M; Pizarro R; Rossi P; Prades Y; Huenchur L; Lizama L; Ampuero S; Larrañaga C; Avendaño LF; Luchsinger V, 2021. [Yield of two mortality predictors in immunocompetent patients with community acquired pneumonia].  Rev Med Chil 149(9):1275-1284

Alonso-Palomares LA; Cáceres CJ; Tapia R; Aguilera-Cortés P; Valenzuela S; Valiente-Echeverría F; Soto-Rifo R; Gaggero A; Barriga GP, 2021. Surveillance of seasonal respiratory viruses among Chilean patients during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Health Sci Rep 4(4):e433

Figueroa F; Vega-Gibson A; Catrileo J; Gaete-Argel A; Riquelme-Barrios S; Alonso-Palomares LA; Tapia LI; Valiente-Echeverría F; Soto-Rifo R; Acevedo ML, 2021. N(6) -Methyladenosine Negatively Regulates Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus Replication.  Front Cell Dev Biol 9:739445

Calaf GM; Crispin LA; Roy D; Aguayo F; Muñoz JP; Bleak TC, 2021. Gene Signatures Induced by Ionizing Radiation as Prognostic Tools in an In Vitro Experimental Breast Cancer Model.  Cancers (Basel) 13.

Blanco R; Carrillo-Beltrán D; Corvalán AH; Aguayo F, 2021. High-Risk Human Papillomavirus and Epstein-Barr Virus Coinfection: A Potential Role in Head and Neck Carcinogenesis.  Biology (Basel) 10.

Rojas M; Luz-Crawford P; Soto-Rifo R; Reyes-Cerpa S; Toro-Ascuy D, 2021. The Landscape of IFN/ISG Signaling in HIV-1-Infected Macrophages and Its Possible Role in the HIV-1 Latency.  Cells 10.

Escobar A; Reyes-López FE; Acevedo ML; Alonso-Palomares L; Valiente-Echeverría F; Soto-Rifo R; Portillo H; Gatica J; Flores I; Nova-Lamperti E; Barrera-Avalos C; Bono MR; Vargas L; Simon V; Leiva-Salcedo E; Vial C; Hormazabal J; Cortes LJ; Valdés D; Sandino AM; Imarai M; Acuña-Castillo C, 2021. Evaluation of the Immune Response Induced by CoronaVac 28-Day Schedule Vaccination in a Healthy Population Group.  Front Immunol 12:766278

Lopez-Verges S; Valiente-Echeverría F; Godoy-Faúndez A; Fernandez Rivas D; Urbani B; Berger JJ; Carmona-Mora P, 2021. Call to Action: Supporting Latin American Early Career Researchers on the Quest for Sustainable Development in the Region.  Front Res Metr Anal 6:657120

Blanco R; Carrillo-Beltrán D; Muñoz JP; Corvalán AH; Calaf GM; Aguayo F, 2021. Human Papillomavirus in Breast Carcinogenesis: A Passenger, a Cofactor, or a Causal Agent?  Biology (Basel) 10.

Charry FB; Martínez MJL; Rozo L; Jurgensen F; Guerrero-Henriquez J, 2021. In vivo effects of two shoulder girdle motor control exercises on acromiohumeral and coracohumeral distances in healthy men.  J Man Manip Ther 29(6):367-375

Hernández-Díaz T; Valiente-Echeverría F; Soto-Rifo R, 2021. RNA Helicase DDX3: A Double-Edged Sword for Viral Replication and Immune Signaling.  Microorganisms 9.

Prades Y; Pizarro R; Ruiz M; Moreno C; Avendaño LF; Luchsinger V, 2021. Cyclovirus detection in Chilean adults with and without community-acquired pneumonia.  J Med Virol 93(8):4786-4793

Aguayo F; Boccardo E; Corvalán A; Calaf GM; Blanco R, 2021. Interplay between Epstein-Barr virus infection and environmental xenobiotic exposure in cancer.  Infect Agent Cancer 16(1):50

Corrales WA; Silva JP; Parra CS; Olave FA; Aguayo FI; Román-Albasini L; Aliaga E; Venegas-Zamora L; Avalos AM; Rojas PS; Maracaja-Coutinho V; Oakley RH; Cidlowski JA; Fiedler JL, 2021. Sex-Dependent Changes of miRNA Levels in the Hippocampus of Adrenalectomized Rats Following Acute Corticosterone Administration.  ACS Chem Neurosci 12(16):2981-3001

Tapia LI; Olivares M; Torres JP; De la Maza V; Valenzuela R; Contardo V; Tordecilla J; Álvarez AM; Varas M; Zubieta M; Salgado C; Venegas M; Gutiérrez V; Claverie X; Villarroel M; Santolaya ME, 2021. Cytokine and chemokine profiles in episodes of persistent high-risk febrile neutropenia in children with cancer.  Cytokine 148:155619

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Muñoz JP; Blanco R; Osorio JC; Oliva C; Diaz MJ; Carrillo-Beltrán D; Aguayo R; Castillo A; Tapia JC; Calaf GM; Gaggero A; Aguayo F, 2020. Merkel cell polyomavirus detected in head and neck carcinomas from Chile.  Infect Agent Cancer 15:4

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Pérez-Moreno P; Indo S; Niechi I; Huerta H; Cabello P; Jara L; Aguayo F; Varas-Godoy M; Burzio VA; Tapia JC, 2020. Endothelin-converting enzyme-1c promotes stem cell traits and aggressiveness in colorectal cancer cells.  Mol Oncol 14(2):347-362

Aguayo F; Muñoz JP; Perez-Dominguez F; Carrillo-Beltrán D; Oliva C; Calaf GM; Blanco R; Nuñez-Acurio D, 2020. High-Risk Human Papillomavirus and Tobacco Smoke Interactions in Epithelial Carcinogenesis.  Cancers (Basel) 12.

Torres JP; Izquierdo G; Acuña M; Pavez D; Reyes F; Fritis A; González R; Rivacoba C; Contardo V; Tapia LI, 2020. Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C): Report of the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of cases in Santiago de Chile during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.  Int J Infect Dis 100:75-81

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Quezada NT; Salas-Ortíz SF; Peralta FA; Aguayo FI; Morgado-Gallardo KP; Mac-Rae CA; Fiedler JL; Aliaga EE, 2020. Loss of Social/Non-social Context Discrimination by Movement Acceleration in the Valproate Model of Autism.  Front Behav Neurosci 14:555610

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Román-Albasini L; Díaz-Véliz G; Olave FA; Aguayo FI; García-Rojo G; Corrales WA; Silva JP; Ávalos AM; Rojas PS; Aliaga E; Fiedler JL, 2020. Antidepressant-relevant behavioral and synaptic molecular effects of long-term fasudil treatment in chronically stressed male rats.  Neurobiol Stress 13:100234

Luchsinger V; Lizama L; Garmendia ML; Tempio F; Ruiz M; Pizarro R; Rossi P; Huenchur L; Moreno C; López M; Ampuero S; Larrañaga C; Avendaño LF, 2020. Immunoglobulins concentration and B cell counts as severity markers in adult community-acquired pneumonia: Cross sectional study.  Medicine (Baltimore) 99(45):e22390

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Aedo-Aguilera V; Carrillo-Beltrán D; Calaf GM; Muñoz JP; Guerrero N; Osorio JC; Tapia JC; León O; Contreras HR; Aguayo F, 2019. Curcumin decreases epithelial‑mesenchymal transition by a Pirin‑dependent mechanism in cervical cancer cells.  Oncol Rep 42(5):2139-2148

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Aguayo FI; Pacheco AA; García-Rojo GJ; Pizarro-Bauerle JA; Doberti AV; Tejos M; García-Pérez MA; Rojas PS; Fiedler JL, 2018. Matrix Metalloproteinase 9 Displays a Particular Time Response to Acute Stress: Variation in Its Levels and Activity Distribution in Rat Hippocampus.  ACS Chem Neurosci 9(5):945-956

Acevedo ML; García-de Gracia F; Miranda-Cárdenas C; Soto-Rifo R; Aguayo F; León O, 2018. Differences in the internalization of self-inactivating VSVG-pseudotyped murine leukemia virus-based vectors in human and murine cells.  J Virol Methods 255:14-22

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Muñoz-Llanos M; García-Pérez MA; Xu X; Tejos-Bravo M; Vidal EA; Moyano TC; Gutiérrez RA; Aguayo FI; Pacheco A; García-Rojo G; Aliaga E; Rojas PS; Cidlowski JA; Fiedler JL, 2018. MicroRNA Profiling and Bioinformatics Target Analysis in Dorsal Hippocampus of Chronically Stressed Rats: Relevance to Depression Pathophysiology.  Front Mol Neurosci 11:251

Aguayo FI; Tejos-Bravo M; Díaz-Véliz G; Pacheco A; García-Rojo G; Corrales W; Olave FA; Aliaga E; Ulloa JL; Avalos AM; Román-Albasini L; Rojas PS; Fiedler JL, 2018. Hippocampal Memory Recovery After Acute Stress: A Behavioral, Morphological and Molecular Study.  Front Mol Neurosci 11:283

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Muñoz JP; Carrillo-Beltrán D; Aedo-Aguilera V; Calaf GM; León O; Maldonado E; Tapia JC; Boccardo E; Ozbun MA; Aguayo F, 2018. Tobacco Exposure Enhances Human Papillomavirus 16 Oncogene Expression via EGFR/PI3K/Akt/c-Jun Signaling Pathway in Cervical Cancer Cells.  Front Microbiol 9:3022

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Pacheco A; Aguayo FI; Aliaga E; Muñoz M; García-Rojo G; Olave FA; Parra-Fiedler NA; García-Pérez A; Tejos-Bravo M; Rojas PS; Parra CS; Fiedler JL, 2017. Chronic Stress Triggers Expression of Immediate Early Genes and Differentially Affects the Expression of AMPA and NMDA Subunits in Dorsal and Ventral Hippocampus of Rats.  Front Mol Neurosci 10:244

Rojas PS; Aguayo F; Neira D; Tejos M; Aliaga E; Muñoz JP; Parra CS; Fiedler JL, 2017. Dual effect of serotonin on the dendritic growth of cultured hippocampal neurons: Involvement of 5-HT(1A) and 5-HT(7) receptors.  Mol Cell Neurosci 85:148-161

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